Plan your trip to Istanbul during holidays

Istanbul, city of cats:

Istanbul, city of cats:

Istanbul is famous for its history, the many empires that have existed here, its majestic skyline and the stunning Bosphorus. But, actually, this is the city of cats (@istanbulcatsofficial). Istanbulites share the city with approximately 125,000 cats. And these are just the street cats; when house cats are included, the feline population rises to about 200,000. More than the population of many cities and countries!

Fluffy and furry, adorable boopable noses, and a full menu of meows … There is a place in İstanbul for every member of the cat population. These soft bundles of joy occupy a huge place in the hearts of İstanbulites and share their lives across the city. On almost every street in İstanbul, there are food and water bowls for the cats, along with kitty ‘houses’. Residents of each district care for the street cats and municipalities provide free health services to strays. The cats of İstanbul seem to have their own domains and, to be honest, sometimes they look as if they’re ready to take over yours, too. But you are unlikely to see such fat, healthy and happy cats anywhere else in the world, and those in İstanbul emanate the confidence of creatures who know they are cherished. It would not be wrong to call the city Catstanbul!

Famous cats of Istanbul: Gli and Tombili
Tombili, one of Istanbul’s most famous cats, and a statue of her, erected in the same place.
Some of İstanbul’s cats have become quite well known. Tombili was a plump white and tabby cat who became famous for “caps” (meme). Her most circulated photo features her reclining – in a casual, almost human pose – in front of a Kebapçı sign. While Tombili is, sadly, no longer among us, thanks to a life-size sculpture in her memory, she has attained immortality on the streets of Ziverbey.

However, İstanbul’s most eminent cat was most likely Gli. A green-eyed tabby, Gli served as the de facto guardian of the Hagia Sophia Mosque from 2004. She passed away in 2020 – amid great mourning from cat fanciers throughout the world. Gli had her own Instagram page, with 100,000 followers, and was featured in thousands of other photos from the Hagia Sophia, including one with former US President Barack Obama. Gli is now a part of Hagia Sophia lore and is probably one of the most famous cats in the world.
Web :
Instagram : (@istanbulcatsofficial)

Where to shoot a cat video in Istanbul: 10 cat spots in Istanbul
We conclude this cat love-filled article with eight recommendations for the best places to see (and photograph) cats in İstanbul:

Maçka Park
Fenerbahçe Park
Moda Beach
Gülhane Park
Yıldız Park

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