Plan your trip to Istanbul during holidays

Tour Start : Pick up at 04:00 from Hotel
Tour End : 20:00
Type : Full day Ephesus & Virgin Mary House Tour From Istanbul by Plane
Itenary : Full Day Tour
*Flight to Izmır
*Ephesus Ancient City
*V. Mary House
*Isabey Mosque
*Flight to Istanbul

Includes : Airport Transfers, Guidance, Transportation, Flight Tickets, Lunch,

Prices :

1 Person : 190 Euro
6 People and more : Write Us

Picking up from your hotel in the morning for flight to Izmir. When you arrive at Izmir airport you will be transfered to starting point. Full day Ephesus Ancient Greek City Tour and V. Mary House . When tour finishes, we will take you to the Izmir Airport for your flight back to Istanbul. When you arrive at Istanbul airport we transfer you to your hotel.

Ephesus, a historic city

Three kilometers southwest of modern-day Selçuk in Turkey’s zmir Province is the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, which was located on the Ionian coast. Attic and Ionian Greek colonists constructed it in the tenth century BC on the site of the previous Arzawan city. It was one of the twelve cities that made up the Ionian League during the Classical Greek era. After the Roman Republic took over administration of the city in 129 BC, it prospered.

One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Temple of Artemis, which was built nearby and completed approximately 550 BC, made the city famous. The Library of Celsus and a theater with a seating capacity of 25,000 people are two examples of the numerous impressive structures that exist.

One of the seven Asian churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation was Ephesus. It’s possible that the Gospel of John was written here. Christian councils from the fifth century were held at the city.

Despite being rebuilt after being completely destroyed by the Goths in 263, the city’s importance as a commercial hub declined as the harbor was gradually silted up by the Küçükmenderes River. In AD 614, there was an earthquake that partially destroyed it.

  • Odeon
  • Bouleterion
  • Fountains
  • Temples
  • Brothel
  • Library
  • Agoras
  • Great Theatre
  • Roman Baths
  • Gymnasiums

Mary’s House

A Catholic shrine called The House of the Virgin Mary has been found 7 kilometers from Selçuk in Turkey, close to Ephesus.

Following the descriptions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s (1774–1824) reported visions, a Roman Catholic nun and visionary, which Clemens Brentano published as a book after her death, the house was found in the 19th century. Even though the Catholic Church has never made a determination about the veracity of the home, it has continued to draw pilgrims since its discovery. Pope John Paul II beatified Anne Catherine Emmerich on October 3, 2004.

Catholic pilgrims come to the house because they think that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was brought there by Saint John and spent the rest of her earthly life there.

Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have both paid visits to the shrine and bestowed numerous papal Apostolic Blessings on it.


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